I would be remiss if I didn't comment on the fabulous spirit of protest, democracy and solidarity happening on our beautiful and sunny Westcoast.
Read some commentary and watch some videos.
Miranda Nelson, October 17, 2011, GeorgiaStraight.com
Congratulations Occupy Vancouver! You've made it to the third day of your protest, and contrary to the sensaltionalist efforts of the mainstream media, the Vancouver Police Department, and even City Hall to instill fear by suggesting your potential for violence, you've continued in your history of non-violent protest. Am I the only one who isn't surprised?
Right now, there are between 60 and 80 protesters on site. The general assembly, which was scheduled for noon, has been pushed back as many are protesting with the Missing Women's Inquiry protests, who are occupying Granville and West Georgia right now.
Exclusive: #OccupyWallStreet Activist Slams Fox News Producer In Un-Aired Interview [Video]here is an interview that Fox News filmed, but doesn’t want you to see. The segment was shot on Wednesday for
Greta van Susteren‘s show, (though it looks like the same producer
from this O’Reilly segment questioning
Michael Moore‘s anti-capitalist agenda) though the decision was made to leave it on the cutting room floor. The reason should be obvious pretty quickly.
The speaker giving Fox News the buisness is
Jesse LaGreca, a vocal member of the Occupy Wall Street protests. This video comes courtesy of
Kyle Christopher from
OccupyWallSt.org‘s media team.